Why Was Arizona Independent Voter’s Network Founded?


Richard  Sinclair, Business owner, life-long Republican, and Co-founder, Arizona Independent Voter’s Network


I was always a fiscal conservative and a social moderate.  While I would generally vote Republican, I would also switch parties for a better candidate.  Likely, I was always an independent at heart.  

Irritation developed during the second term of George Bush.  Republicans were spending money like drunken sailors without a visible plan.  We also had the stupid war in Iraq with unfinished business in Afghanistan.  Irritation was turning into frustration.

2010 gave Arizona SB 1070 – the “show me your papers” law.   This law was an example of the Republican party’s gross abuse of power.   Extreme frustration led me to DMV to change my voter’s registration from Republican to non-affiliated/Independent. 

I had saved an article about independentvoting.org in NYC.  As I wanted to do something to improve our political landscape, I worked with them on projects in Arizona

My sense of frustration grew from political life in the shadows.  Key fact:  Independents are 33% of the registered voters in Arizona and ultimately determine the outcome of  important state and federal elections—yet receive scant or, at most, fleeting attention.

Along comes Donald Trump and fear for the future of our political system created a massive concern. What can be done?  One day, I realized that I ran a business that sells critical mission pumps around the world—based upon a single website.  I then reasoned that if we can connect with a world-wide audience and form lasting relationships via the Internet, then reaching just 1.4 million Independents within Arizona should be achievable. Trust is always earned.  It begins with truth and reliability.  Thus, the concept of a website dedicated to the Independent Voters of Arizona became a reality—at least in my mind.  I could do something!

Fortunately, Independent Voting put me in touch with Al Bell.  Following a first critical meeting during June, 2022, Al came to understand the concept.  He and I agreed to join forces.  We co-founded Arizona Independent Voter’s Network. We agreed that we would avoid any elements of a party—nor would we be the lead on any worthy causes.  Our goal was to  empower each individual voter by providing honest and relevant political information. Then, place our trust in that voter!

As we have worked during the second half of 2022, we find agreement and support among Independent Voters. The posting of our own website will make growth a solid reality.  Thanks to Senator Sinema, the word INDEPENDENT will resonate across Arizona.  Our time has come.

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world;
indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.

Margaret Mead

One response to “Why Was Arizona Independent Voter’s Network Founded?”
  1. An Other Avatar
    An Other

    I’m very grateful you channeled your frustration into co-founding AIVN.

    Too many people channel their frustrations into defeatism or hatred. AZ Independents use frustration to seek solutions and set goals to achieve them.

    Let’s open AZ’s primaries. I believe our state is uniquely situated to achieve this.

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