Image of a rural road in Arizona with the date 2024 superimposed on the sky.

Arizona Ballot Measures for 2024

14 proposed laws are on the November ballot in Arizona. Here’s what they say.

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Independent voters are now the largest group of registered voters in Arizona!

Let’s Talk

Welcome independent voters! We’re thrilled to have you join our community of engaged citizens. Before you explore further, we invite you to ponder two essential questions about the state of our union:

What worries you most about our country?

Reflecting on concerns can help us understand the issues that matter most to you and guide our discussions toward meaningful solutions.

Equally important:
what excites you the most about our country?

By contemplating the aspects that inspire hope and enthusiasm, we can uncover shared values and aspirations that unite us as Americans. Your insights are invaluable, and we look forward to hearing your perspectives as we navigate the complexities of our nation together. Welcome aboard!

Letters to Legislators

AIVN will be asking our elected representatives to tell us of their plans to address issues that are important to Arizonans leading up to the 2024 election. The first issue is immigration reform.