The No Labels party qualifies for the North Carolina ballot


No Labels now has ballot access in 10 states

The Associated Press reports that after qualifying for the ballot in North Carolina, the “No Labels” party now has ballot access in 10 states, representing 61 million people, about 18 percent of the U.S. population and 95 electoral votes. Those 10 states include Arizona. No Labels may offer an independent presidential ticket in 2024 if the Democrat and Republican parties “select unreasonably divisive presidential nominees”. It will make the decision to proceed only if a clear path to victory is identified next year. No Labels has not identified potential candidates for a 2024 ticket.

No Labels generally supports centrist political leaders. Current No Labels supporters include people like ex-North Carolina Governor Pat McCrory (R), U.S. Senator Joe Manchin (D, W-VA) and former Connecticut Senator Joe Lieberman (I).

“In 2022, Arizona voters overwhelmingly supported campaign finance disclosure with the passage of Proposition 211.”

No Labels has been criticized for its organization under federal tax law that does not require the disclosure of financial donors. But as a state affiliate in North Carolina, No Labels would be subject to the same disclosure requirements as other party organizations. Similar requirements would apply here in Arizona. In 2022, Arizona voters overwhelmingly supported campaign finance disclosure with the passage of Proposition 211. Proposition 211 requires the disclosure of individual contributions equal to or exceeding $5,000 to organizations spending at least $25,000 on local and $50,000 on statewide races or propositions.

Here in Arizona, “Other” aka Independents are the largest group of registered voters. The numbers are even greater if you consider the voters currently registered as either a Republican or Democrat, but who vote based upon the person rather than the party. Stay tuned to see whether 2024 is a game changer for the country and for Arizona.

1 “No Labels” movement says it could offer independent presidential ticket in 2024, Associated Press, August 14, 2023.

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