The New Arizona Party Organizations


No Labels and the Forward Party Pursue Change

Two new political parties have recently gained notoriety here is Arizona, The Forward Party and No Labels.

No Labels

The No Labels party has qualified for the ballot here is Arizona. At this time the No Labels party is focused upon obtaining ballot access in all 50 states. This new party lists its core beliefs as follows:

  1. We care about this country more than the demands of any political party.
  2. We believe political leaders need to listen more to the majority of Americans and less to extremists on the far left and far right.
  3. We are grateful to live in a country where we can openly disagree with other people.
  4. We believe America isn’t perfect, but we love this country and would not want to live any place else.
  5. We can still love and respect people who do not share our political opinions.
  6. We support, and are grateful for, the U.S. military.

The party has announced plans to run a third party candidate, as a “unity” ticket in the 2024 presidential election if Donald Trump and Joe Biden end up being the mainstream party candidates.

There are questions aplenty about the viability of an as yet unidentified candidate, not participating in a primary and not even identified until late in the normal campaign calendar. No Labels notes that it will only field a presidential candidate to run if it has a realistic chance to win outright in the electoral college.

The party is organized as a 501(c)(4) social welfare organization. Campaign finance disclosures will be required if No Labels enters the presidential race in 2024. For more information:

Forward Party

The Forward Party supports ranked choice voting (RCV). It lists the following organizational values:

  1. Bottom up, not top down solutions. Forward empowers leaders to find solutions that work in their communities. It won’t dictate a policy platform and expect it to work for all communities.
  2. Diverse thinking is required! Forward won’t silence debate or refuse to adapt to the modern world.
  3. Work together. Forward strives for collaboration.
  4. Left, right and center are all welcome.
  5. Forward wants to know what it can do for your community.
  6. Forward supports grace and tolerance in political discourse.

Unlike the No Labels party, Forward will not nominate a candidate for the 2024 presidential race, which it characterizes as devised to preclude fair competition. Instead, the organization is pursuing lasting reform through the deliberate work of electoral reform and national party building. For more information about the Forward Party:

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