The Arizona Voters’ Agenda



The non-partisan Center for the Future of Arizona conducted two surveys in 2022. The surveys indicate a high level of agreement on key issues among all parties and voters. The issues addressed in the surveys obtained 50% or more total support and 50% or more support among every political affiliation and age group. The issue categories respondents were asked about include education, the economy, inflation and state spending, water and the environment, elections, immigration and housing affordability and homelessness.

Key Excerpts from the Report
  • 75% of respondents believe that elections are fair, secure and accurate.
  • 81% support comprehensive immigration reform including a path to citizenship.
  • 89% believe that ongoing investment in education, transportation, public safety and other critical infrastructure is needed to keep up with growth.
  • 97% believe that every school should have the resources to deliver a quality education to every child.
  • 85% want to invest available funding in drought resiliency, clean air, energy improvements in rural Arizona, electrical grid resiliency and forest fire management.
  • 79% think Arizona must do more to make sure that housing options are affordable and available to middle- and low-income earners throughout the state.
Get More Information

The above listed survey excerpts are from the “Arizona Voters’ Agenda.” To read the entire report go to: and click “The Arizona we want” and ”Arizona Voters’ Agenda.

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