
A Call For Help

Dear Independent Voter:
Voters like you make huge differences in Arizona elections. Here’s how we can make bigger ones!

We urge you to increase your impact by joining our Arizona Independent Voter’s Network (AIVN). You can do even more by stepping into an organizational position to help us grow. Bottom line: Arizona needs our help, you can be part of a movement to provide it, and you can help shape it.

You already know why you are an independent-minded voter. Here’s how to convert that to action. Our Network seeks to motivate more Independent Voters to make our voices heard and enable us to expand our impact in our elections when we vote.

The attached Network Organization lists positions available for enthusiastic volunteers! Please review it to see if there’s a position you find appealing.* Then, let us know by email or phone so we can talk about next steps. If you have questions, just ask one of us.

The single most important position for us to fill next is a leader of Social Media Central. The essential demographics we need to attract: college age to early forties. Much of the talent we need lies there. We need more female Networkers. Ethnic/racial diversity is critical as well. Do you have such relatives/friends you can bring into the fold? Please share this and put them in touch with us!

Sincerely, Co-Founders:

Richard Sinclair
Network Central

Al Bell
Communication Central

Contact Us

    What if you can’t take on added responsibility now? We understand. Do you know someone who might be interested? If so, please share this with them and have them contact us! It’s best if they do it by email first.

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