Independent Congressional candidate Clint Smith running in CD 5



Clint Smith, Independent Congressional Candidate

Good news for Arizona Congressional District 5 voters who want a choice when voting in 2024. Clint Smith is running as an Independent in CD5, a district that has historically been a safe haven for Biggs.

According to the Clint Smith campaign, Clint is running to “bring integrity back to Congress” which in part means collaborating with other elected representatives to deal with the problems and issues that impact the lives and livelihoods of Arizonans. Key to this stated goal is growing the economy for all. Elected representatives should be working to create free market conditions in which people are able to pursue their goals unencumbered by unnecessary government regulation.

Clint views illegal immigration as a problem that Congress needs to address – rather than using the issue solely to attack the opposing party. While secure borders are vital to our national security, hard-working, legal immigrants contribute to our economy. Children brought here by their parents and who have only known the U.S. as their home need a path to citizenship.

Clint is interested in getting to work on the water challenges facing Arizonans due to aridification, and common sense gun safety laws. He believes that foreign trade is important to the economy and that trade can promote free market and democratic principles abroad.

The contrast between Biggs and Smith is clear; Biggs was part of the “stop the steal” attempt to overturn the outcome of the 2022 election. Biggs voted against investigating Russian war crimes, banning Russian oil and gas imports, and awarding a Congressional gold medal to capitol and DC police officers who protected the capitol on January 6th. If you want to learn more about the Smith campaign and where he stands on the challenges facing Arizonan’s today, check out his website at this link.

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