Independent Candidate Clint Smith Suspends Campaign for Arizona’s 5th Congressional District



In a surprising development, independent candidate Clint Smith announced today the suspension of his campaign for Arizona’s 5th Congressional District, leaving voters and political observers alike pondering the implications of his departure from the race. Smith’s campaign released this statement:

“After much reflection and consideration, I have made the difficult decision to suspend my campaign for Congress. We have always known this race would be untenable if a Democrat were to make it on the ballot. It has now become clear that is the case. While this is not the outcome we had hoped for, I am proud of the positive impact we have made together.

I want to express my deepest gratitude to those of you who have supported my campaign every step of the way. From volunteers who tirelessly gave of their time and talents, to donors who gave generously, to every voter who believed in our cause – thank you.

Though our journey may be ending, the values and principles that brought us together will endure. I remain committed to serving our community and working towards a brighter future for Arizonans.

To that end, I encourage you to join me in supporting Voter Choice Arizona and Make Elections Fair Arizona, two non-partisan groups working on election reforms to give Arizona voters more voice and more choice, and lead to better outcomes for our state.

For too long, we’ve seen elected leaders of the two-party system – like Andy Biggs – focus on short-sighted political posturing instead of doing the work they were elected to do for the American people. It’s time to bring a fresh perspective and build a new kind of politics that focuses on common-sense solutions that work for all of us.

Thank you once again for your incredible support and dedication. It has been an honor to stand alongside each and every one of you in this journey. I will keep you posted here on my next exploits.”

One response to “Independent Candidate Clint Smith Suspends Campaign for Arizona’s 5th Congressional District”
  1. Al Bell Avatar

    I deeply regret your decision, of course. And I completely understand the common sense of it. Tilting at windmills is not a productive use of valuable time and the Democratic Party has just erected a windmill. Yes, your candidacy was worth it, even as it is over for the present time. The initiative and (finally) collaborative effort by the two organizations you properly promote will pay off finally, after twenty-five years of struggle against partisan obstruction. Many others, including our organization, are joining the struggle to reverse the decline of the oldest democratic republic on the Planet. That struggle will always be required. Your next endeavor, whatever it may be, will be part of that. So it is with our organization you spoke with many months ago. We applaud your valiant effort to make a difference and you have; just not the one you intended. Yet.

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