Are you an Indy?



Arizona voter registration is evenly split between the Republican Party (34.68%) Democrat (30.53%) and Other (34% also known as Independent), according to the most recent data (January 2023) from the Arizona Secretary of State’s office. “Other” is not a party; there is no organizing entity, financing, or party platform. Rather, it represents the registration of voters who have chosen not to affiliate with the Republicans or Democrats. Even among those who are registered as a Democrat or Republican, there are many who vote independently, without regard for party.

There seems to be mounting interest here in Arizona and nationally, in moving away from a party dominated electoral system. A recent survey by, found that Independents are disenchanted with the major political parties. Many expressed an interest in democratic reforms and political restructuring to better represent the electorate.

“Bad officials are elected by good citizens who don’t vote.”

George Jean Nathan

While Independents represent a range of viewpoints on important issues of our day, they have some common concerns about an electoral process that favors the mainstream parties and creates obstacles to voting for others. Nationally, these concerns often center upon closed primaries that have locked out nearly 25 million voters.

Are you an Independent? The Arizona Independent Voter’s Network is interested in sharing accurate information to help independent voters understand the issues and make wise choices when voting.

We invite you to learn more about us at


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